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You are the stories you tell. Change your system,

and you change the story.

This retreat starts with the premise that stories are the building blocks of what we believe to be good, true and real.

When we can name the stories that construct what is "true", we can then evolve these stories to manifest something new. A new perspective and a new life.

In order to change the story, however, we must also change the system in which the story exists: the environment, the relationships, the histories, etc.

This is why the retreat includes only five participants. These participants will help each other be accountable while sustainably bringing the changes they seek to manifest.

We use the tools of Restorative Storytelling, Systems Mapping and Intuitive Practices to see our stories clearly and then take real action together, as a community.

(image taken by the beach)

4000 foot geodesic dome

Built off grid in 1996, this all wood geodesic dome has incredible views of Great Pond, Acadia National Park and all the surrounding gardens and blueberry barrens. Fieldstone fireplace, solar back-up and two full bathrooms.

Comfortable, quiet, warm

One King, three queens and two single beds available on two floors (plus a third floor cupola) that keeps warm all day long. Central dining, cozy couches and hammocks and a wrap around porch offer several places to gather.

20 acres on a lake

The dome is surrounded by low bush blueberry barrens, organic gardens and several fruit trees. There is a short path down to Great Pond where there is a long dock for swimming, and kayaks to explore the pond and river.

How does this work?

Before we meet, each of the five participants will do a thorough inventory of all the stories that make up who they are.

The retreat begins with a mapping exercise and telling the story of where we came from, who we are now, and where we are headed.

We then work together to see the underlying systems that support the current collection of stories, and then begin the process of making adjustments.

We notice resonant images and patterns and map the constellation of our group. This is the foundation of a 6 week program that follows the retreat to keep us accountable and moving forward.

Tools and practices may include:

Story-Listening, Containment, Intuitive Navigation, Restorative Dialogue, Akashic Record Review, Systems Thinking Design, Fool Training, Prolificity, and Story Foraging.

Choose a Retreat

You have unique skills and aspirations and want to create sustainable change.
You are seeking a system that works to make this change actually happen.
You no longer wish to do this alone and are ready for the right team.
Something extraordinary is coming for you and others and you want to clearly see your part.
Its hard to get started, its hard to keep going, its hard to get it done. And its time.